Quick links

  1. Access your Trillbit Developer Portal: https://developers.trillbit.com/

  2. Read more about the Trillbit library and access the Quick start Guide on Github: For Knowles : https://github.com/Trillbit-Inc/TrillbitSDK-knowles For ESP-32: https://github.com/Trillbit-Inc/TrillbitSDK-ESP32-S3 For Embedded Linux platforms: https://github.com/Trillbit-Inc/TrillbitSDK-linux

  3. Find more resources, demo videos on Trillbit's SDK for Knowles SmartMic here: https://www.trillbit.com/partners/knowles

  4. Android Demo Player application for Knowles SmartMic : Link to app: TrillPlayAndroid

  5. iOS Demo Player application for Knowles SmartMic: Link to app: TrillPlay iOS

  6. Embedded device with a speaker Link to app: https://devportal.trillbit.com/

  7. Trill IoT application for IoT devices: TrillIoT on App Store TrillIoT on Google Playstore

Last updated