Getting started

Step1: Get your Platform keys

Your API requests are authenticated using Platform keys. Any request that doesn't include a platform key will return an error.

You can generate a Platform key from your Trill Dashboard at any time.

Access the Trillbit developer portal

Step 2: Setup procedure

1. Add Framework on application.

Go to Build Setting -> General -> Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content

2. Add Header and Framework Search Path Framework on application.

Go to Build Setting -> General -> Framework search path / Headers search path

3. Make sure audio permission are added in info.plist

4. Instantiate TrillSDK Callbacks

Initialize callback inside App Delegates.

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, TrillCallBackDelegates {
func onError(_ error_code: Int32, _ error: String!) {
func onInfo(_ info_code: Int32, _ info: String!) {
func onSDKReady() {
print ("SDK is ready to use");
func onPlayingCompleted() {
print ("Playing Completed");
func onSendingCompleted() {
print ("Sending Completed with all repeats.");
func onDecoded(_ payload: String!) {
print (payload);
func onErrorDecoding() {
print (onErrorDecoding);

5. Initialize TrillSDK

To initialize TrillSDK all we need to do is to create TrillSDK Class object with SDK_KEY, boolean flag (

is_sender_only_sdk and delegate class ) where

SDK_KEY: Your SDK credential key (get it from developers portal)

is_sender_only: Turn it on if you want your device to work only as a sender

device, this wont require recording permissions.

delegates_class: object reference to callbacks class.

Step 3: Licensing TrillBit iOS SDK for your application

For Licensing the TrillBit SDK for your application:

Replace YOUR_SDK_KEY with the Key displayed on your TrillBit developer portal dashboard(iOS).

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions:
[UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
trill = TrillSDK(delegates: "YOUR_SDK_KEY", false, self);
return true

Last updated